Flock Together
After stumbling upon a book of photographs depicting extinct animals, author and UW-Eau Claire English professor B.J. Hollars became fascinated by the creatures that are no longer with us: specifically, extinct birds. How, he wondered, could we preserve so beautifully on film what we’ve failed to preserve in life? Hollars discusses what we can do to save threatened species, including ourselves.
Presented in partnership with the Wisconsin Science Festival.
B. J. Hollars
B. J. Hollars is the author of several books, most recently Flock Together: A Love Affair With Extinct Birds, From the Mouths of Dogs: What Our Pets Teach Us About Life, Death, and Being Human, as well as a collection of essays, This Is Only A Test. Additionally, he has also written Thirteen Loops: Race, Violence and the Last Lynching in America, Opening the Doors: The Desegregation of the University of Alabama and the Fight for Civil Rights in Tuscaloosa, Dispatches from the Drownings, and Sightings: Stories.
Hollars serves as a mentor for Creative Nonfiction, a contributing blogger for Brain,Child and Michigan Quarterly Review, and the founder and executive director of the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild. An associate professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, he lives a simple existence with his wife, their children, and their dog.