Show Your Support for the Festival

Author Amy Goldstein signing books at a WBF event

One of the things that makes the Wisconsin Book Festival such a successful Madison tradition is that all events are FREE and available to the public! Nearly half the festival's annual budget of $250,000 is raised through private donations. The festival is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, so all gifts are tax-deductible.

This season, we are offering a combination of virtual and in-person author events to help festival-goers stay socially connected in whatever format they prefer. Please consider purchasing a membership for yourself or a book lover in your life to help us keep these valuable online programs going strong.

There are two ways you can help:

Become a Member

Make a gift of $100 or more to become a festival member. In addition to free access to events, members will receive:

  • two reserved seats for select author events (10-12 per year)
  • placement on the priority email list for news and updates
  • an invitation to an exclusive festival schedule launch party in the fall

Become a Benefactor

Our Book Fest Benefactor program is reserved for those who want to make a greater individual commitment to the festival. With any gift of $1,000 or more, the benefits are the same as those for members, but you’ll be recognized on the festival website.

Sign on as a Corporate Sponsor

Professor and author Angela Davis speaking at a WBF event

There's so much that goes into creating free, year-round author programs, and we couldn't do it without our corporate sponsors! Sponsors receive member benefits, plus recognition on the festival website and onscreen before and after live-streamed festival programs.  
Join the community of readers, businesses and organizations committed to supporting free, public events all year long. Email Conor Moran, Madison Public Library Foundation Executive Director to become a festival sponsor.

Become a Corporate Sponsor

See sponsor benefits and levels for 2024.

Our sponsors help us present a vibrant literary festival annually. The following are confirmed sponsors for the 2024 festival year.

Hear from a Corporate Sponsor

Great Dane Pub & Brewing Company President Eliot Butler shared why Great Dane invests in the Wisconsin Book Festival.

WBF Sponsor Graphic March 2025