Monsters of Poetry Reading
Monsters of Poetry Reading Series curators Kara Candito, Christopher Mohar, and Adam Fell will be stepping up to the mic to read from their work. Monsters of Poetry is a reading series held six times a year in Madison featuring poets, fiction, and non-fiction writers of many different stylistic species from all over the country.
Adam Fell
Adam Fell is the author of Catastrophizer, winner of the 2022 Sixth Finch Chapbook Contest, and two books of poetry: Dear Corporation, (Forklift Books 2019) and I Am Not A Pioneer, winner of the 2011 Posner Poetry Book Award from the Council for Wisconsin Writers. He has had more than thirty poems published in various journals and magazines, and is an Associate Professor of English at Edgewood College in Madison, WI, where he curates the Monsters of Poetry reading series.
Kara Candito
Kara Candito is the author of Taste of Cherry, winner of the Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Poetry and Spectator, winner of the Agha Shahid Ali Poetry Prize. Her work has been published in such journals as The Kenyon Review, Gulf Coast, The Rumpus, Indiana Review, and AGNI. A recipient of scholarships and awards from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the MacDowell Colony, the Council for Wisconsin Writers, and the Santa Fe Arts Institute, Candito is a creative writing professor at the University of Wisconsin, Platteville and a co-curator of the Monsters of Poetry reading series in Madison, WI.
Christopher Mohar
Christopher Mohar is the founding editor of Colony Collapse Press, an independent publisher of novella-length books, and has been the recipient of a Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing fellowship. Christopher has taught writing at two UWs (Seattle and Madison) and in a men's correctional facility, and in past lives has been a metallurgical engineer, a busboy, and a legal assistant’s assistant. Some of his recent work can be found in Creative Nonfiction, LIT, The Journal, The Southwest Review, Gastronomica, and New Stories from the Midwest - 2012.