Saige Paints the Sky Movie
Life is changing for Saige. Her grandma is still recovering from the accident, and she misses the time they spent together. She takes comfort in riding Georgia, her grandma's youngest horse. She knows her grandma needs cheering up, so Saige comes up with a plan to restore their special art afternoons. Inspired by her grandma, she organizes a "Day of Beige" at her school to show how boring the world would be without creativity and color. Things are finally starting to get better, and then grandma tells her of plans to sell Georgia. Can Saige find a way to keep the horse she loves—and help save the arts at her school?
Jessie Haas
Jessie Haas grew up loving horses, drawing horses, and riding horses—just like Saige! She discovered a love of animals at the age of six, when her family bought a horse named Scamper. She read every book about horses she could lay her hands on—so it’s no wonder that when she began writing, her very first book was about horses. Now the award-winning author of more than two dozen titles, Jessie Haas loves to write books that get children excited about reading. She lives in Vermont with her husband and their horse named Robin.